I'm wondering if someone has some ideas about how to make a prismatic axis work with ros2 controllers.
I am using a UR10e which is mountd on an igus drylin ZLW 7th Axis controlled by Dryve D1. I have an API for it to communicate with the Axis to initialize, run and control it. It has an encoder so after homing I can extrapolate the exact position, velocity and other info.
I send the move command using the function xAxis.profilePositionAbs_Async(pos, setvel, acc, dec);
I have written a hardware interface with the following functions:
std::vector<hardware_interface::StateInterface> state_interfaces;
axisName, hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION, &pos));
return state_interfaces;
std::vector<hardware_interface::CommandInterface> command_interfaces;
axisName, hardware_interface::HW_IF_POSITION, &pos));
return command_interfaces;
hardware_interface::CallbackReturn RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware::on_deactivate(
const rclcpp_lifecycle::State & /*previous_state*/)
// Gracefully close everything down
return hardware_interface::CallbackReturn::SUCCESS;
hardware_interface::return_type RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware::read(
const rclcpp::Time & /*time*/, const rclcpp::Duration & /*period*/)
std::cout << "position in meters" << pos << std::endl;
return hardware_interface::return_type::OK;
hardware_interface::return_type RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware::write(
const rclcpp::Time & /*time*/, const rclcpp::Duration & /*period*/)
xAxis.profilePositionAbs_Async(pos*1000, setvel, acc, dec);
return hardware_interface::return_type::OK;
Now the problem is, as the profilePositionAbs_Async function is within the write function it gets called every loop, meaning the movement gets rerun continuously leading to a continuous accel- and deceleration.
Also I seem to get issues due to the position parameter being used in both the state and command interface.
So i was wondering, what is the best way to incorporate such an axis in a joint trajectory controller and handle the state/command interference
EDIT: in order to elaborate on @ChristophFroehlich's reply i have added the description of the possible functions to interact with the driver:
void profilePositionAbs(float position, float velo, float accel, float decel=0); // Function "Profile Position Mode"; Move to an absolute position with given velocity, acceleration and deceleration
void profilePositionRel(float position, float velo, float accel, float decel=0); // Function "Profile Position Mode"; Move to an relative position with given velocity, acceleration and deceleration
void profileVelocity(float velo, float accel, float decel=0); // Function "Profile Position Mode"; Move with a set target velocity, acceleration and deceleration; Movement starts directly when the target velocity is not 0```
void profileVelocity(float velo, float accel, float decel=0);
. i have uploaded the possible ways to the end of the question. does that help? is it possible to control trajectory by sending out velocity commands (without position)? $\endgroup$