
I have a project where I use a proprietary library to exchange data with a PLC, therefore I have to use debian as operating system. As a consequence, I have to build the ROS distro from source.

Instead of using a full .repos file and add COLCON_IGNORES for unwanted packages: Is there a possibility to get the package names of all ROS dependencies recursively up to the core ROS packages, starting from my workspace? I could then use this list to manually create a .repos file by looking for the correct git repositories.

The direct dependencies can be listed with

grep -RhI -e "^ *<exec_depend>" -e "^ *<build_depend>"  -e "^ *<run_depend>" ~/catkin_ws/src | sed -e "s/.*>\(.*\)<.*/\1/" | sort | uniq

from here, but their respective dependencies have to be searched iteratively after pulling the sources.

Or is there any smarter way to create a .repos file, or a different approach if there are no released ROS binaries for the target system?


1 Answer 1


I'm in a similar situation. I haven't found a comprehensive way to quickly generate a .repos file from my dependencies for example, but colcon graph definitely helped me get an overview of what packages depend on what. More documentation here: https://colcon.readthedocs.io/en/released/reference/verb/graph.html

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, I wasn't aware of colcon graph. But maybe someone comes up with a direct solution.. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 9, 2023 at 15:29

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