when I use the instruction rosmsg show sensor_msgs/
I get the following weird error:
Unable to load msg [sensor_msgs/]: Cannot locate message [] in package [sensor_msgs] with paths [['/opt/ros/noetic/share/sensor_msgs/msg']]
but when I type ls /opt/ros/noetic/share/sensor_msgs/msg
I get the following output:
BatteryState.msg Illuminance.msg JoyFeedback.msg MultiDOFJointState.msg PointCloud.msg Temperature.msg
CameraInfo.msg Image.msg Joy.msg MultiEchoLaserScan.msg PointField.msg TimeReference.msg
ChannelFloat32.msg Imu.msg LaserEcho.msg NavSatFix.msg Range.msg
CompressedImage.msg JointState.msg LaserScan.msg NavSatStatus.msg RegionOfInterest.msg
FluidPressure.msg JoyFeedbackArray.msg MagneticField.msg PointCloud2.msg RelativeHumidity.msg
can you please tell me what is my mistake? thanks in advance.
Originally posted by bhomaidan on ROS Answers with karma: 114 on 2021-11-07
Post score: 0