The ros2-controlles package has a DiffDriveController node that listens to the Twist messages on "~/cmd_vel"
I followed the bring up demo repo and created my own launch file, after removing the rviz related part.
When I listed the topics I saw that the cmd_vel took the namespace of the controller node as in:
Another package that publishes to the "cmd_vel" topic is the telepop-joy which lets you publish to cmd_vel using a PS3/PS4 joytstick.
That node publishes to "/cmd_vel" in the global namespace.
One approach I had is to remap the namespace while launching the joystick node, which had some success, but there is some quirk where the joystick output is constant, i.e only a single value is given no matter how much I move the stick.
My full launch file is here
I am curious, what is the correct way to deal with this type of thing, where two packages work great on their own, but have different namespaces. There has to be a "ros" way for this I imagine.
Originally posted by sameh4 on ROS Answers with karma: 89 on 2021-07-24
Post score: 0