Hi @nihalar,
The short answer: Like the same way you add a camera to any robot model.
The long answer: Is related to the way you use to generate your world. In order to add a camera to a (static) Gazebo model you will need to include the model in the sdf world. Moreover, if you have a xacro macro with the camera you may just copy the model and included in an empty world. In your case you will need to define a cylinder link and attach it to a camera link in which you will define your camera sensor with the appropiate plugin.
contains exactly what you want in a demo world. This demo world simulates a bounding ball in front of a camera and publish the camera frames over a ROS topic.
For more information about the (camera) gazebo plugin you can check this tutorial.
Originally posted by Weasfas with karma: 1695 on 2020-06-18
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
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