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Hi, I managed to finally catch up with all the great development happening. I have put my model on this repository in the ales_description/models/ales_robot folder. https://bitbucket.org/TheLegace/ales_robot/overview

I had made joints for my four wheeled robot, but for some reason it seems to be moving or jitterring on its own. It's noticeable and I am assuming the pose is changing. There is no plug in enabled so I cannot for the life of me understand why the model is moving.

If you would like me to upload the model anywhere else please let me know.

Thank you.

Originally posted by Vaibhav Kapoor on Gazebo Answers with karma: 36 on 2013-02-13

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by AndreiHaidu on 2013-02-13:
You could change the link to point directly to the model file, it's faster for others to look into it.


1 Answer 1


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Hi I had started removing every single component until the jitterring had stopped. The very first link was even jitterring, I realized that maybe it's the inertia's that I had not setup yet. So I just put some reasonable values and it looks like the model is not jitterring any longer.

I also had to make sure the wheels had inertia as well, also the high friction coefficient that I got from the Golf Cart vehicle.

Thank you.

Originally posted by Vaibhav Kapoor with karma: 36 on 2013-02-17

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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