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I'm using ROS Melodic and Gazebo 9.6.0.

I will use Gazebo's Build Editor to build a building using a floor plant image, like this:

image description

You can see how it can be done in this video.

I'm going to use that world with ROS, but its format will be SDF, and I need a URDF file.

Do I need to convert it to URDF or I can use it in SDF format?

Originally posted by Elric on ROS Answers with karma: 71 on 2019-05-22

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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ROS only works with urdf from what I've read and tried.

This python project should work for the conversion https://github.com/andreasBihlmaier/pysdf .

The usage looks like this sdf2urdf.py model.sdf model.urdf you can additionally add this before the model.sdf -p plotfile.png to export an image of model.sdf.

Originally posted by c-mon with karma: 16 on 2019-06-06

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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