I'm new in ROS and Gazebo.
I'm studying robotics at the university and I need to move a robot in Gazebo using ROS. I will control the robot with the keyboard.
My problem is that I have no idea about ROS or Gazebo. I did the ROS' beginner tutorials and also some tutorials from Gazebo (the ones that talk about gazebo plugins).
I've stated reading the Gazebo: connect to ROS tutorials, but it is a mess. They talk a lot of things that I don't understand. To be more specific (the tutorials are here, http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=connect_ros):
- In Using a URDF in Gazebo, they talk to convert URDF files to Gazebo. Do I need to do that?
- In Using Gazebo plugins with ROS, I found a question about writing a Gazebo plugin to handle a robot in Gazebo, and someone answered that we can do that using ROS. Do I need to write Gazebo plugins to connect ROS with Gazebo?
- In ROS Control, they explain how to add transmission elements to a URDF. If I modify the URDF to use it with Gazebo, will I still using it in a ROS package?
- I get tired to read and don't understand anything. I decided to ask here.
Reading that I think that those tutorials are for advanced users because they do thinks that I haven't do yet. I haven't modify a SDF file, I use the Gazebo's editor to modify the robot or the world.
I just need a tutorial to follow that talks about how to connect gazebo with ROS, add a robot and control it with a keyboard from ROS.
Do you know if there is something like that?
Originally posted by Elric on ROS Answers with karma: 71 on 2018-05-16
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by jayess on 2018-05-16:
What exactly is it that you're having trouble with?
They talk a lot of things that I don't understand.
Can you please be specific?
Comment by Elric on 2018-05-16:
@jayess I have modified the question to be more specific. Thanks.
Comment by jayess on 2018-05-16:
Thanks. Can you also please update your question with a link to the tutorials?
Comment by Elric on 2018-05-16:
Link added.