I seem to be confused about using face_detection in my custom bot. I have an RPi camera and want to use it to detect faces. I found one here. And I also found this neat face_detector package. Can someone please show me how this can be done? I'm running my ROS kinetic on raspbian and raspberry pi v3.
I want my camera to detect faces and at the same time, display the results using Rviz in my ros-enabled remote computer.
Originally posted by Nelle on ROS Answers with karma: 21 on 2018-08-14
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2018-08-14:
What are you wanting to see in RVIZ? What type of information do you want to know about the detected face? 2D bounding box? 2D centre? Cropped image?
Comment by Nelle on 2018-08-14:
Can I have both 2D bounding box and 2D centre? Sorry, not very familiar with face detection though. And I have just started with ROS as well.
Comment by Nelle on 2018-08-14:
Also can I make the raspicam_node show entire image stream? I mean continuously like what the face_detector does?