I'm using ROS Kinetic on a virtualbox running Ubuntu 16.04.
When I run the bringup packages there are no errors and the turtlebot3_robot.launch says that it has set up the subscriber for the /cmd_vel topic from geometry_msgs.msgs/Twist.
When I go back to my Remote PC and run turtlebot3_teleop_key, data is published to /cmd_vel according to echo rostopic /cmd_vel. However, the robot does not move. When I run rqt_graph, it does not show a subscriber for /cmd_vel.
So I have conflicting information, with both parts (publisher and subscriber) claiming they're doing their job, but the robot is unable to move.
I'm new to ROS and TurtleBot operation so I apologize if this is a simple fix but I can't find a solution.
Originally posted by boggsje on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2018-07-16
Post score: 0