I recently upgraded my system to Ubuntu 18.04 and Melodic, installing both ROS and MoveIt! from deb. I have some issues with MoveIt!'s display plugin, as shown in the picture below. I generated the config package for this Kuka LWR from scratch by running the setup assistant, but the same problem appears with "pre-existing" configuration packages.
- bottom left: the robot as shown by MoveIt!'s MotionPlanning display (current state + goal state in violet)
- top: robot shown via the "standard" RViz RobotModel display
When running the demo.launch, I can set the goal state to a random configuration, plan and execute using the MotionPlanning panel. The interactive marker does not work instead (but I guess it is just a side effect). The only warning I get on the terminal is the following (I run the demo.launch with the debug option enabled):
[ WARN] [1530806517.103186724]: Interactive marker 'EE:goal_p3r3_link_6' contains unnormalized quaternions. This warning will only be output once but may be true for others; enable DEBUG messages for ros.rviz.quaternions to see more details.
Since I just switched to Melodic and I don't trust myself, my guess is that I missed something from the migration guide (or elsewhere), but I cannot figure out what.
Thanks in advance! Has anyone experienced the same issue already? The only warning I get when starting
Originally posted by ffusco on ROS Answers with karma: 271 on 2018-07-05
Post score: 2