Ive used SW2URDF to export a urdf but every time I get errors stating the models cannot be found. Ive been at this for 2 days straight, the models are in fact there and there isnt any discrepancy in path or file name, case is correct. Ive poured over the forum and tried everything from changing the filepath to complelety reinstalling ros, move it and reconfiguring workspace. im running ubunto 16.04 and kinetic any insight would be appreciated:
[ERROR] [1527370549.957216539]: Error retrieving file [package://AR2urdf/meshes/base_link.STL]: Package [AR2urdf] does not exist
Originally posted by chris annin on ROS Answers with karma: 58 on 2018-05-26
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2018-05-27:
The easiest way to help you would be to show us your package. If you can upload it to github or some other service someone can take a look.
As to the error you show: that is a generic error telling you that for some reason, the resource retriever library can't find a pkg by that name. Have you ..
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2018-05-27:
.. build your workspace and done a source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
before trying to start any launch files (or load your urdf in some other way)?
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
Ive built my workspace and run the setup.bash as you point out. I think I have it all setup correctly but ROS and linux are new to me. Ive had so many requests-comments about ROS im trying to learn this quickly. I placed the urdf file created by SW2URDF to the project repository here:
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
thank you for your help btw
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2018-05-27:\
and run the setup.bash
you cannot 'run it'. You must use source /path/to/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
correct - I entered the command source /home/chris/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2018-05-27:
Ok. And after you've done that, what is the output of rospack find AR2urdf
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
[rospack] Error: package 'AR2urdf' not found
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
I had the urdf in my home folder. I just moved it to the ros share folder and now the output is /opt/ros/kinetic/share/AR2urdf
moveit now opened the file with no issues. I did have the urdf in the share folder previously with the same errors. I assume a combination of not having my workspace
Comment by chris annin on 2018-05-27:
setup correctly followed by not moving the urdf to a place within the ros folder was this issue? than you very much for your time.