Hi all,
I'm working with this tutorial to simulate an environment and test my sensors set to benchmark localization and navigation algorithms. I can launch the tutorial with my custom world and sensors, that's okay ; but I can't find a way to load a static map in Rviz. I added a node in the launch file, as usual and the error log is the following:
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [map_server/map_server]: map_server
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/tmp/workspace/src
ROS path [2]=/opt/ros/kinetic/share
So here I am checking on my computer on these locations if I have the map_server package. Obviously, as I have already used it before, I found it in
However, I know that Docker creates its own container, and loads ROS packages into it. So I fired up a terminal, typed
docker ps -l
to get the name of the actual docker. Then
docker exec -it <docker_container_name> bash
to open up an interactive console within the container. Then
cd /opt/ros/kinetic/share; ls
And here is the trick : there is no map_server package here. So the node can't be launched. Thus, my question is pretty simple: how can I "pass" the map_server package inside the Docker container, or any other package after that, without using a tremendous number of plugins and tricky command lines?
Thank you very much for your help!
Originally posted by GuillaumeHauss on ROS Answers with karma: 36 on 2017-11-01
Post score: 0