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I have, from what I can tell, successfully attached a mesh to my robot via this tutorial, however the collision checking in RViz seems wrong.

After attaching the added object (previously green) turns purple. By dragging the goal state query around I confirm that the attached object collides correctly with the robot but NOT with other objects in the environment (the robot, however, will collide with said objects). I tried searching for this issue and found some other related topics but none with my exact situation.

Some notes:

  • The attached object is not visible on RViz's goal query until I hit the "Publish Current Scene" button
  • Visualizations via the "/move_group/display_planned_path" do not show the attached object

[edit] Playing some more with RViz I am getting status messages to the effect of:

Goal state colliding links:
attached_object - environment_object

but the robot doesn't turn any links red and/or cycle through solutions looking for a "good" solution. It is also more than happy to plan and execute to that goal state with colliding links...

What am I missing here?

Originally posted by BrettHemes on ROS Answers with karma: 525 on 2016-11-14

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Did you build MoveIt! from source? This sounds to me like you might hit https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit/pull/191 which is not fully released yet.

Originally posted by v4hn with karma: 2950 on 2016-11-14

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by BrettHemes on 2016-11-14:
Score; this solved the issue. Thanks for the quick reply v4hn.

Comment by bhavyadoshi26 on 2017-01-26:
Is this issue fixed and has it been released?

Comment by v4hn on 2017-01-26:
Yes, this is officially released in all ros-distributions.

Comment by bhavyadoshi26 on 2017-01-26:
@v4hn I was having the same issue and as a workaround I tried attaching the object to a link with collision geometry. But I still see collision in between the attached object and the environment. Any hints on what the issue might be?


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