Hi guys, i am trying to install a package (https://github.com/erik-nelson/blam) which says in its instructions:
This repository contains two ROS workspaces (one internal, one external). The build process is proctored by the update script. To build, first make sure that you do not have any other ROS workspaces in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, then clone the repository and from the top directory execute
My question is, to do that I should delete from my .bashrc the following lines?
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
However when I do echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH I obtain
should I also remove the /stacks to install de package?
and Another question, when I install that, to use my normal workspaces, should I source from the terminal? I mean, how can I use my normal workspaces: /home/lsi2/catkin_ws/src:/opt/ros/indigo/share:/opt/ros/indigo/stacks when I install that
Thanks a lot!!!!
Originally posted by Kailegh on ROS Answers with karma: 146 on 2016-09-07
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by hachbani on 2019-05-22:
Did you manage to get it to work ? I'm started feeling not optimistic at all about this BLAM thing after struggling for days to get the update file to work.. kind of tried every relevant suggestion I found on Internet
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-22:
@hachbani: what are you referring to with "BLAM thing"?
Comment by hachbani on 2019-05-22:
@gvdhoom What I'm referring to is the first step to build the BLAM, when I run sudo ./update (Without the sudo I get a lot of permission denied errors) I get the following errors: https://pastebin.com/9E6754Vp
I removed the catkin_ws path from ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, I only have /opt/ros/kinetic/share.
I think it's because of the catkin_make_isolated.. but can't figure out why it doesn't work neither how to fix it
Any suggestion please ?
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-22:
"BLAM" is not something I recognise. If you're referring to something that is known in a particular community, please explain or provide a link.
Finally, I would recommend you post a new question instead of commenting on a 3 year old one that has already been answered.
Comment by hachbani on 2019-05-22:
Will do, thanks for ur time!
I posted my question here as a reply cause it' relevant to the post since OP had kind of the same issue.