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I want to create an autonomous robot, i start with installing ROS indigo on ubuntu, and i arrived to create a map manually with hector slam and teleop keyboard (i use arduino mega and motors with encoders). Now i want to launch a file for autonomous navigation on unknown map, what can i do please? i already saw hector navigation but i don't understand how it works

Originally posted by Emilien on ROS Answers with karma: 167 on 2016-07-21

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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In the Hector Navigation Stack there is also a hector_exploration_node and a hector_exploration controller. The hector_exploration controller will publish twist messages on the cmd_vel topic. These values will give you a velocity x and an angular z.

If you are using arduino, in the arduino code you need to subscribe to the cmd_vel topic, and then manipulate the values there.

If you want to test and see if you publish values on cmd_vel, run your laser scanner and hector slam and then run

roslaunch hector_exploration node exploration_planner.launch


rosrun hector_exploration_controller simple_exploration_controller

then you need to listen to the topic

rostopic echo cmd_vel

After that you should see a stream of values. Mine comes out in bursts. Hope this helps.

Originally posted by RoSPlebb with karma: 64 on 2016-07-21

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by Emilien on 2016-07-21:
i do this but i receive x=0 y=0 and z=1.4, and the motors don't stop,, it is not synchronised with hector slam. what can i do in this case please?


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