Hi there,
I'm currently struggling to run a prerelease-test for a package. Whenever the overlay build is performed, it complains that the command 'catkin_make_isolated' is not found.
My package is a 3rd-party package (plain cmake). I did follow the instructions on http://wiki.ros.org/bloom/Tutorials/ReleaseThirdParty and http://wiki.ros.org/bloom/Tutorials/FirstTimeRelease and the first release as such went well. However, the prerelease-test fails at building the overlay workspace as it is trying to run catkin_make_isolated.
As far as I could follow the error the problem is that is sources my setup.* files inside the package install folder which however is an almost empty dummy file, as my package is no catkin-package. Thus /opt/ros/indigo/setup.* is never sourced and the ros binary folder is not inside the PATH.
My package.xml relevant part looks as follows:
<!-- Since this is a plain cmake package we need catkin as a run dependency -->
<!-- The export tag contains other, unspecified, tags -->
<!-- Other tools can request additional information be placed here -->
<rosdoc config="etc/rosdoc.yaml" />
Am I missing something there?
Cheers Felix
Originally posted by fexner on ROS Answers with karma: 221 on 2016-05-03
Post score: 1