I'm trying to edit the launch file by following tutorials for nav2d. So at the beginning I have download the package from github: https://github.com/skasperski/navigation_2d and past it in my catkin_ws, and run make
Afterword when I try to run the one of the tutorials then it complain this:
roslaunch nav2d_tutorials tutorial2.launch
` multiple files named [tutorial2.launch] in package [nav2d_tutorials]:
- /opt/ros/indigo/share/nav2d_tutorials/launch/tutorial2.launch
- /home/hjt/catkin_ws/src/navigation_2d-master/nav2d_tutorials/launch/tutorial2.launch Please specify full path instead The traceback for the exception was written to the log file`
Then I tried to write the path but it did not work
roslaunch nav2d_tutorials /home/hjt/catkin_ws/src/navigation_2d-master/nav2d_tutorials/launch/tutorial2.launch
What should I do, so I'm able to run the simulation with edited launch files ?
Originally posted by RosUser on ROS Answers with karma: 81 on 2016-02-01
Post score: 0