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when I want do something I have to enter the commond in the terminal,that's very trouble.so I want to make a human-computer interaction interface, which have several buttons . Each button corresponds to a startup command that I always use. it's will better if I can enter some parameters. But I don't know what' technology I can use and also I don't have the relevant data. if someone konw something about this, please tell me. it 's nice if you can tell me some books or other messages which I can finish the task. Thank you very much !

Originally posted by cros on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2015-04-24

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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If you are looking for something like this :


this tutorial will help you:


it creates a server that will publish in a topic if a change is entered in rqt

Originally posted by scarlett with karma: 170 on 2015-04-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by cros on 2015-04-24:
thank you ,but I find this tourial can only reconfigure one node's parameters. what I need is like this:when I press buttom A ,the node a will be launched,and then I press another button B, the node b will be launched.

Comment by scarlett on 2015-04-24:
mm maybe this one?


You will need to make launchfiles of your nodes then

Comment by cros on 2015-04-24:
thank you very much ,that's may be what I need.


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