Hi all,
at first, I am sorry if this question might be a duplicate, however I didn't find a clear answer while searching this forum.
So I decided to migrate my code from TF to TF2. I encountered lots of confusion since I am missing now some helper functions, Datatypes are obviously changed from tf:: to tf2:: and so forth. In a nutshell, what I am trying to do is to lookup some transforms, compute my kinematic-chain-relation and publish a new frame.
1.) lookup a transform with my tf2::buffer, which returns a geometry_msgs::TransformStamped
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped geo_msg = buffer.lookupTransform( "frame1", "frame2", ros::Time(0) );
2.) transform this geometry_msgs::TransformStamped into a tf2::Transform in order to make ordinary frame operations such as multiplications, inverse() etc. In order for this to work I have to convert my geometry_msgs::TransformStamped into a tf2::Transform and this is where the confusion starts.
in tf1, I'd use any helper functions listed in <tf/transform_datatypes.h> tf/transform_datatypes.h
static void tf::transformStampedMsgToTF (const geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &msg, StampedTransform &bt)
Since tf::StampedTransform and tf2::Transform are not compatible, I googled for the tf2:: equivalent and found this tf2/transform_datatypes.h:
static inline void pointStampedMsgToTF2(const geometry_msgs::PointStamped & msg, Stamped<Point>& bt)
This finally leads to compilation error, since the link points to an old revision and those functions were apparently replaced by a templated convert function. So I tried:
tf2::Transform tf_msg;
tf2::convert<geometry_msgs::TransformStamped, tf2::Transform>( geo_msg, tf_msg );
This fails to compile with:
.../ros/include/tf2/convert.h:89:5: error: 'toMsg' was not declared in this scope
.../ros/include/tf2/convert.h:89:5: error: 'fromMsg' was not declared in this scope
Then I thought, maybe I am coding a mismatch between Stamped-Object and Non-Stamped objects, so I tried further:
tf2::Transform tf_msg; tf2::convert<geometry_msgs::Transform, tf2::Transform>( geo_msg.transform, tf_msg );
This fails with the same error messages ( I tried to include basically everything I have in tf2 :) )
So my only option to convert those two objects was manually copying all the translations and rotations from on into another, which ridiculously overblows my code.
tf2::Quaternion q( geo_msg.transform.rotation.x,
tf2::Vector3 r( geo_msg.transform.translation.x,
tf2::Transform tf_msg( q,r);
So with this I could finally do my transform operations.
tf2::Transform computed_tf_msg = tf_msg.inverse() * <whatever_tf>
3.) Publishing a geometry_message from a transform In tf1 I could simply trigger the tf_broadcaster like this:
tf_broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform( computed_tf_msg, time, "new_frame", "frame2") );
However, this doesn't work in tf2:: so that I ended up doing the conversion from tf2::Transform to geometry_msgs::TransformStamped manually
To conclude: Is this really the way to go or do I miss anything here? In comparison to TF1, I miss a lot of simple conversion functions and such. I think this pipeline of looking up transform, computing a new frame relation and publish this is nothing fancy.
Sorry for the long post.
Originally posted by Karsten on ROS Answers with karma: 643 on 2015-03-05
Post score: 7