When I use ROS_WARN_STREAM in a cpp file that is launched via a roslaunch file, I do not see the resulting message reported to the screen under nominal conditions. If I leave all logging parameters at their default values, these messages do end up in the log file, but they don't get reported to the screen. If I add 'output="screen"' to the node definition, then I'll see the messages reported to the screen as well.
In other words, it seems to me like the roscpp WARN messages are being treated like INFO messages, in that they are reported to stdout and not stderr under default condtiions. (If I upgrade the WARN messages to ERROR messages, then they appear to be reported to stderr as intended.)
Is anybody else seeing this issue, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks, Jeremy
Originally posted by engineer on ROS Answers with karma: 11 on 2015-01-09
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Pierre-Louis.k on 2018-01-04:
Hello Jeremy,
I am sorry to dig an already 2y old topic, but I have the same issue. This only happens using cpp but not rospy.This strange behaviour is alredy mentionned here PS:I'm using an kinetic
Comment by Pierre-Louis.k on 2018-01-04:
Also to add info :
-The Warning is visible in /rosout with a Warning severity