I am using Pharo to launch roscore, and thus I cannot simply CTRL+C in the terminal, because that shuts down pharo as well. Pharo allows me to send commands to the console. How do I end the roscore process, then, with a command? $ ps aux | grep ros gives me a list, but I need to automate the Roscore killing (for test purposes, I have to invoce roscore, run several tests, and then shut it down automatically).
Originally posted by Demian S. on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2014-12-18
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by kramer on 2014-12-18:
How do you actually start roscore? That is, I'd never heard of Pharo until your mention of it...if you can start a process, surely there's a way to halt it, right?