I would like to build a 3D map from velodyne_points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
in offline mode. In order to save some storage space, I am logging only velodyne_packets (velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan)
to a rosbag file using velodyne_driver. Later, I need to convert this VelodyneScan into PointCloud2 to build the map.
So my question is: How to convert VelodyneScan into PointCloud2 when the device is no connected? I was trying velodyne_pointcloud that works fine only when the sensor (Velodyne) is connected. Otherwise, it does not publish /velodyne_points
Thank you.
Originally posted by AsifA on ROS Answers with karma: 231 on 2014-09-04
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by bvbdort on 2014-09-05:
how you are running velodyne_pointploud
Comment by AsifA on 2014-09-05:
I am playing back the rosbag file as rosbag play --clock file_name.bag
and then launching the cloud_nodelet.launch
file located in the velodyne_pointcloud package. cont ...
Comment by AsifA on 2014-09-05:
In the launch file, I am assigning the value "$(find velodyne_pointcloud)/params/32db.yaml"
to the parameter "calibration"