I am working on human-aware navigation and human-robot spatial interaction, therefore, I am looking into different people detectors. In our project we use a ROSyfied version of this detector: www.vision.rwth-aachen.de/publications/pdf/jafari-realtimergbdtracking-icra14.pdf which is based on RGB-D data, gives quite reasonable results, and will be made public soon. However, to enhance this detection I am currently looking for other people detection methods (like laser based leg detection) which I can combine with our tracker. Since the detection and tracking is not really part of my work I am looking for existing ROS packages that can be easily installed and trained. Our set-up is comprised of hydro and Ubuntu 12.04 using a sick s300 and an asus xtion
So far I looked at David Lu's fork of the people_experimental: github.com/DLu/people stack, which apart from some compilation errors that are easy to fix, works out of the box but gives very bad results (only detects legs at distances <2m) which I think is because of the bad resolution of our laser (3cm in distance). Due to the non-existent or very well hidden documentation I have no idea how to retrain it with data collected from our robot. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Almost all of the other perception algorithms I found or which are mentioned on this site are either not catkinized or are not available as a hydro package. My main question to the community would therefore be: What other people detectors are available for hydro?
Any hints and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am sorry if that question has been asked already. I could only find one similar question which exclusively listed things that do not seem to exist for hydro. If there is a similar thread I would appreciate if you could refer me to it.
Cheers, Christian
P.S.: Apparently my karma is insufficient to publish links. Sorry for the workaround.
Originally posted by Chrissi on ROS Answers with karma: 1642 on 2014-08-05
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by Dan Lazewatsky on 2014-08-05:
FYI, the leg detector from that fork has been merged into the main people repo, and is now available in the debs in hydro.
Comment by Chrissi on 2014-08-06:
Thanks Dan, I tried that as well but some of the launch files don't work (wrong paths to config files and included launch files) so I decided to check it out from github because that makes it easier to mend imo.
Do you know if there is a more detailed documentation on the usage of the leg_detector than this: http://wiki.ros.org/leg_detector?distro=hydro ?
Comment by Dan Lazewatsky on 2014-08-06:
If something isn't working, please submit a ticket in the issue tracker so we can get it fixed. I'm not aware of any more detailed documentation, but @David Lu might be able to help.
Comment by Chrissi on 2014-08-06:
Don't get me wrong, the leg_detector works fine. It is just some of the other components as discussed here: http://answers.ros.org/question/78026/problem-with-leg_detector-and-people_tracking_filter/
Comment by Dan Lazewatsky on 2014-08-06:
You said some of the launch files don't work - I was referring to that.
Comment by Chrissi on 2014-08-06:
Ah, OK. Sorry for the confusion. Never used the issue tracker. A link would be nice. Thanks.
Comment by Dan Lazewatsky on 2014-08-06: