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I have tried the mono_depth_odometer node for visual odometry using a kinect in different machines. I have seen the low processing capabilities can severely degrade the odometry.

Are there any parameters which can be modified in order to have a faster visual odometry? I have seen the list in http://docs.fovis.googlecode.com/git/group__FovisCore.html#ga113578b67d3e37bc78f1fffd8440e1ff, can those parameters be modified using "rosrun node param:=value"? Any suggestions on which parameters to modify?


Originally posted by Pino on ROS Answers with karma: 88 on 2013-11-20

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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Yes, those parameters can be set through rosparam, you'll have to replace hyphens with underscores though (see http://wiki.ros.org/fovis_ros#Parameters).

I havn't played much with parameter settings. My first guess to get a higher rate would be:

  • decrease feature_window_size (could lead to false matches)
  • set use_subpixel_refinement to 0 (could lead to worse estimates)
  • if the features in your environment are small, you could lower max_pyramid_level (could lead to less features)

It is difficult to tune so many parameters at once. I would suggest you try different sets of parameters and compare the output.

Originally posted by Stephan with karma: 1924 on 2013-11-22

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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