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I went through the process of building ROS Hydro from source on Debian and recorded to process for wiki material. I just created an account with the ros.org and it seems like I don't have the kind of privileges to go about making a new page. I had tried to edit yesterday and accidentally overwrote the install page, someone noticed it before I did and it has now been fixed. How do I add a page and link it to the Hydro experimental install section correctly, is this even how I should be contributing this material?

Originally posted by St3am on ROS Answers with karma: 170 on 2013-09-29

Post score: 1


1 Answer 1


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That would be a great contribution.

To create a new wiki page, go to the URL while logged into the wiki and it will say "Page Not Found" but there is a link to "Create New Empty Page" which if you click will allow you to edit it.

For your convenience I commented back in the debian link on the hydro Platforms page Just put your tutorial where it links.

Originally posted by tfoote with karma: 58457 on 2013-09-29

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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