Hi Our robot has 2 motors and 4 wheels , there's no odometry or encoder. I've ran Hector exploration (in gazebo) successfully and I can get cmd_vel twist message but the problem is I have no idea about how to change cmd_vel twist message to "our custom commands for motors". we can only send 4 bytes to low level of our robot to drive the robot and they're : { direction of left wheel(forward or backward) , direction of right wheel (forward or backward) , speed of left wheel , speed of right wheel } "speed of left and right wheel is in range of 0 to 100 and there's no unit for them". I was wondering if there's anyone who can help me out and tell me How I can change linear.x and angular.z into our custom speed? Thanks in advance
Originally posted by Jason Perry on ROS Answers with karma: 3 on 2013-06-08
Post score: 0