Hi guys, I am currently using the Bumblebee2 to extract pointclouds with the stereo_image_proc node on ROS. The problem is that i get very bad results on the disparity image, most of it is grey, even after playing with some parameters like the speckle filter...I used the calibration files (.yaml) that i could have with the stereo calibration node and as a consequence i get bad pointclouds. I would like to know if anyone succeded in having good pointclouds from the bumblebee2 using the calibration (.yaml) files and if it is possible to use the calibration files given by pointgrey or to publish directly the rectified images through ROS using triclops.
Thank you for your help
Originally posted by INSA on ROS Answers with karma: 112 on 2013-04-02
Post score: 1