I have tried the instructions on the wiki page of ccny_rgb package.
After running the following sequence of commands,
roslaunch ccny_openni_launch openni.launch publish_cloud:=true
roslaunch ccny_rgbd vo+mapping.launch
the map can be seen in rviz (sometimes it doesn't work but after restarting all nodes, it works) but after running
rosservice call /save_full_map "mymap.pcd"
it gives the following error:
ERROR: Service [/save_full_map] is not available.
However with rosservice list, a different service "/save_pcd_map" can been seen and after calling this service no error occurs but no map is saved as well.
rosservice call /save_pcd_map "mymap.pcd"
Did someone try this or have some suggestion how to save a map for this package? I tried it on Ubuntu 12.04 using ros fuerte.
Thank you in advance,
Originally posted by zahid on ROS Answers with karma: 81 on 2013-03-28
Post score: 5