Hi All,
Soz if this question is a bit confused after much flicking through the tuts) - I am...
At the moment I'm simply trying to, in code (i.e. leaving out URDF for now) create my robot. It's simply has 7 Sonars cover 180 deg around the front.
To keep things simple I've tried to start off with the left most sensor and the one up at the front. The code I have is:
sensor_msgs::Range sonar;
sonar.radiation_type = sensor_msgs::Range::ULTRASOUND;
sonar.field_of_view = (10.0/180.0) * 3.14;
sonar.min_range = 0.0;
sonar.max_range = 10.0; sonar.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
sonar.range = 1.3;
sonar.child_frame_id = "base_link";
sonar.header.frame_id = "sonar_1";
sonar.header.frame_id = "sonar_2";
sonar_broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(tf::Transform(tf::Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1),
tf::Vector3(-0.15, 0.0, 0.0)),
sonar_broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(tf::Transform( tf::Quaternion(1.57079633, 0, 0, 1),
tf::Vector3(0.0, 0.15, 0.0)),
Where 1.57079633 is 90 degrees for Radians. But is rviz the both show up pointing in the same direction. My intention is that one is 15cm to the left of the bots centre and pointing at 90 degrees the other 15cm from cent to front and pointing fwd.
Then the other part I'm not sure about is the Odometry - how should I model that? So far I've just used the tutorial code.
// first, we'll publish the transform over tf geometry_msgs::TransformStamped odom_trans; odom_trans.header.stamp = current_time; odom_trans.header.frame_id = "odom"; odom_trans.child_frame_id = "base_link"; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = x; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = y; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = 0.0; odom_trans.transform.rotation = odom_quat; // send the transform odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); // next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS nav_msgs::Odometry odom; odom.header.stamp = current_time; odom.header.frame_id = "odom"; // set the position odom.pose.pose.position.x = x; odom.pose.pose.position.y = y; odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0; odom.pose.pose.orientation = odom_quat; // set the velocity odom.child_frame_id = "base_link"; odom.twist.twist.linear.x = vx; odom.twist.twist.linear.y = vy; odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth; // publish the message odom_pub.publish(odom);
Finally in rviz how should I be setting fixed frame and targetframe so that I effectively see the robot as a whole just moving around?
Many Thanks
Originally posted by MarkyMark2012 on ROS Answers with karma: 1834 on 2012-07-12
Post score: 1