This is a question that is related to
It is a follow-up in the sense that in the previous question I proposed to use AMCL and a pre-made map as in the ROS tutorials. In the previous question, I was not using a pre-made map. I was using Gmapping and making the map as I went along. This time I am running AMCL, pretty similar to the tutorial described in:
While following this tutorial, the move_base node dies even before I send a navigation goal. Upon searching ROS-Answers for similar questions, I came across
where the solution was investigated by running gdb and running a back trace. I have attempted the same, and the results of the back trace are attached.
My Procedure
- Run Motor drivers
- Run Laser drivers
- Run relevant transforms
- Run pre-made map through map server. [Map](http://www.2shared.com/file/of5o4m7n /ltlobby.html) YAML
- Run Navigation : Launch file , costmap_common_params , local_costmap_params , global_costmap_params , base_local_planner .
After a few seconds, the terminal where I run the navigation launch file crashes. Here is the output of that terminal along with the gdb backtrace : output with backtrace
Other Relevant Data
- Here are the tf frames: frames.pdf
- Here is the rxgraph: http://tinypic.com/r/1621gmb/5
- Here is the rxgraph with all topics: http://tinypic.com/r/30vbqbo/5
I hope this information is sufficient. Please ask me anything else that you might require.
Originally posted by Shanker on ROS Answers with karma: 259 on 2012-02-06
Post score: 1