(Hope this isn't overlapping with previous questions...)
On Eclipse, basic ROS files (e.g. ros::{ NodeHanle, Publisher } ) are not resolved. Is something wrong or missing in what I've done?
For example, while I'm doing this tutorial, I did followings (trying to follow IDEs page:
% roscreate-pkg drive_base_tutorial roscpp geometry_msgs
% make eclipse-project (in the new folder)
Then add "Environment" (ROS_ROOT, ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, PYTHONPATH, PATH) on Eclipse (which was necessary for .cpp files to resolve .h files on Eclipse), then "Proejct"->"Build Project", which returns errors saying the classes are not resolved as mentioned earlier.
from command line is successful.
I know how to manually add "include" path. I'm just wondering whether make eclipse-project
isn't too nice to set include path and all other necessary configuration automatically or not, and the IDEs page can be read as it would do nice things I expect.
Environment: Ubuntu 10.10, Eclipse CDT Indigo
Originally posted by 130s on ROS Answers with karma: 10937 on 2011-10-06
Post score: 1