Dear ROS users,
my intention is to run the simulation of a robot (KUKA youbot), so that I could be able to control the virtual model in rviz. As far as I understood from the Guide, to solve this task one has to launch RVIZ, launch the OODL driver for the robot in parallel and launch the state publisher (youbot_joint_state_publisher). RVIZ can be launched and the state publisher seems to launch properly (though I don't understand what use is made of it; shouldn't it have some GUI??). PROBLEM: can't launch the driver:
youbot@oleksandr-laptop:~$ roscd youbot_oodl/launch
youbot@oleksandr-laptop:~/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl/launch$ ./start_youbot_oodl_driver
[sudo] password for youbot:
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named youbot_oodl below /home/youbot/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/youbot/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl
In /home/youbot/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl/launch THERE IS A FILE NAMED start_youbot_oodl_driver..
I will be grateful for any help!!! Hope to get it very much.
Originally posted by ASMIK2011ROS on ROS Answers with karma: 62 on 2011-04-06
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by jsogorb on 2011-04-10:
Could you make sure that your "youbot" package directory is in the $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable?
Comment by ASMIK2011ROS on 2011-04-08:
As far as I understand, rosmake is used to compile packages, not c++ files... But I tried and got: youbot@oleksandr-laptop:~/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl/src$ ls
youbot_oodl.cpp YouBotOODLWrapper.cpp YouBotOODLWrapper.h
youbot@oleksandr-laptop:~/ros_stacks/youbot-ros-pkg/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl/src$ rosmake youbot_oodl.cpp
[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['youbot_oodl.cpp']
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory/home/youbot/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20110408-164436
[ rosmake ] Expanded args ['youbot_oodl.cpp'] to:
[ rosmake ] WARNING: The following args could not be parsed as stacks or packages: ['youbot_oodl.cpp']
[ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names.
Comment by jsogorb on 2011-04-07:
Did you try to compile ir with rosmake?
Comment by ASMIK2011ROS on 2011-04-07:
...What I actually did, I followed the steps described here: And so, when I come to ./start_youbot_oodl_driver, it says that there is no executable file named youbot_oodl.. But in slightly different folder (/home/youbot/ros_stacks/youbot_drivers/youbot_oodl/src) there is a file youbot_oodl.cpp.. I try to compile it to get an executable, but gcc returns a bunch of errors...gcc youbot_oodl.cpp
In file included from youbot_oodl.cpp:40:
YouBotOODLWrapper.h:44:33: error: geometry_msgs/Twist.h: No such file or directory
YouBotOODLWrapper.h:45:38: error: tf/transform_broadcaster.h: No such file or directory
YouBotOODLWrapper.h:46:31: error: nav_msgs/Odometry.h: No such file or directory
YouBotOODLWrapper.h:48:45: error: trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory.h: No such file or directory
.... u.s.w.
Comment by KoenBuys on 2011-04-06:
which repo are you using?