Using either DRCSim 1.2 or 1.3 compiled from source with Gazebo 1.3.1 I experience gazebo exiting when I move the robot's pinned pelvis around using the /cmd_vel topic. (1.3 is /atlas/cmd_vel)
I've noticed that this seems to usually happen when the robot is slowing down and almost stopped, but that is probably just a coincidence. I've tried running gazebo in gdb but it just says that the process exits cleanly, so I can't get any sort of stack trace.
Edit: I also think its worth mentioning that the Hokuyo is spinning while the robot is moving around.
Edit2: Okay, I found the reason I wasn't getting a stacktrace is because the gdb was attached to the gzclient and not gzserver (since I was running gdb gazebo, and it forks both off). I've been able to generate the crash with the stack trace posted here:
Edit3: I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and I've reported it.
The crash is in heightfield.cpp, and I should mention that I am using the drc_sim_v0.launch launch file in atlas_utils.
Originally posted by jhoare on Gazebo Answers with karma: 15 on 2013-01-03
Post score: 1