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RViz POINTS color bug or doing something wrong

Hey, I am using RViz to visualize some processed point cloud data. I am using visualization_msgs::Marker::POINTS. According to tutorials I should be able to do something like this. ...
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Generate points on the surface of a semi-sphere

I would like to generate points on the surface of a semi-sphere (given the coordinates of its center), in a NON random way, not even quasi-random, possibly. I would prefer consecutive generated points ...
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How to specify the middle points when plan projectory using moveit?

I can specify start and goal to plan a projectory. but I want specify some middle points between start and goal. I only know that the computeCartesianPath can do that. but It isn't good for use. How ...
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Push_back doesn't work

hi everyone, i'm writing a node that could save 3 coordinate and then add a point to a pointcloud. i'm trying to use pushback for the array of points in the cloud, this is the code: ...
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2 answers

Coordinates of a specific pixel in depthimage published by Kinect

I am looking for an answer for hours and finally I am asking it here. I am using CMvision to find a specific color in Kinect's sight and I want to find the real world coordinates of the object with ...
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How to hold the old points in rviz

I was trying to plot points on rviz graph. I was successful in doing that however I could not plot the new points without loosing the old points. I want the graph to populate with newer values every-...
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depth of points in RGB using kinect driver

the depth values that obtain by kinect driver is actually a no. of streams that continuously changing even if kinect remain stationary can u tell me plz y is it so? secondly if i want to access the ...
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kinect (openni): pointcloud2. Object shadow appearing in rviz?

All, I have a Kinect sensor displaying pointcloud2 data in rviz with RGB8 Color transformer mode using /camera/depth_registered/points topic. Image looks great except for a large shadow appearing ...
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How to remove the shade of markers in rviz?

Hello everyone. I am visualizing about 100000 marker points in rviz. Due to the shade (or shadow) of markers and small size of points, the color of points is not clearly visible. Is there any way to ...
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Points in a pointcloud and their distance from camera

Hi. I wrote a node that gets the pointcloud from the Kinect and converts it from PointCloud2 to the pcl PointXYZ cloud. Now, for starts, I wanted to take some middle point in the structure ([319][239] ...
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rviz window closes itself

Hello, I am trying to visualize the simulated of particles in rviz using points. But in the middle of simulation process, the rviz is getting crash. It gives the following description of problem. rviz:...
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std_msgs/ColorRGBA[].displaying different color for each point

Hello sir, I am trying to display different color for each point. I am able to display points with single color using: ...
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