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Questions tagged [latch]

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Message order with multiple publishers to same latched topic

Scenario: a node A publishes "hello" to a latched topic /x with queue size 1 then a node B publishes "world" to the same latched topic /x with queue size 1 Because of the latched ...
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1 answer

How should a subscriber interpret multiple messages upon subscription?

If I have multiple nodes who each latch a message onto a particular topic, a node that later subscribes to that topic will receive multiple messages immediately upon subscription. If those message ...
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1 answer

How to display the function of latch?

I want to show the function of latch in publisher. According to the description of the latch: "When a connection is latched, the last message published is saved and automatically sent to any ...
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1 answer

About Subscriber Structure and “latch” on Publisher

Hi everyone. Recently I met a question when I read something about "latch" in Publisher. On the Publisher wiki page, "latch" is described as:(
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Can I get a latched topic with rosh?

I've noticed that if I start up a node, create a latched publisher, and then publish a single message (let's say on the topic foo), if I then go into rosh and do[0], it will just sit there ...
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1 answer

Is Latching handled by the Master or Node?

Is Latching handled by the Master or Node? Thanks, Aaron Originally posted by unknown_entity1 on ROS Answers with karma: 104 on 2014-03-07 Post score: 0
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1 answer

latch=True in rospy.Publisher() appears to have no effect

I have a joint which I want to move to a position when the robot is initialized. The joint is never moved again. Therefore, I do this: ...
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1 answer

roscpp and latched topics

Hi there, I have the following problem. One of my node just parses a file and stream reference trajectories as Path/Markers topics. These trajectories are almost never updated. Therefore I would like ...
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1 answer

latched topic and rviz

Hello, I have some constant data published as MarkerArray topics so it can be seen in rviz. Instead of streaming constant data, I thought it would be much more optimal to use latched topics to publish ...
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1 answer

Publish a latched message in rosjava

Hi, I am trying to publish a latched message in rosjava so that my arduino only receives a command when it is different than the preivous one. Currently, it is constantly polling and that makes my ...