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Questions tagged [gazebo-edifice]

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E: Unable to locate package ros-galactic-ros-gz

I am trying to install (ignition) Gazebo Edifice on my Ubuntu 20.04 system which already has ROS2 Galactic installed on it. I'm using the command ...
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Unknown CMake command "ign_find_package"

I get the same error as in this post but I couldn't solve it by just sourcing my ignition workspace. I installed ignition gazebo edifice with these instructions. The place where I build it with ...
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Why does this thruster have a sideways component?

I am using the thruster plugin for ignition gazebo and publish a constant thrust to it of 0.1. The joint is offset from the center by -0.1 in the y-direction and rotated by -1.57079632679 around the y-...
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Is is possible to change frame_id of a sensor?

Hi, I would like to change frame_id of a laser sensor in ignition gazebo simulation plugin: ...
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Ignition Gazebo: set joint position

Hi I want to manually set a joint position in my plugin for Ignition and trying to figure out how to do it. I've tried to set it through the JointPosition component but with no success. What I did: ...
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ODE crash on a simple scenario on ignition gazebo

Hello ! I'm trying to run a simple scenario with ignition where there are multiple spheres falling on the ground and colliding with each other but after a little time (it seems there are too much ...
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Ignition Edifice examples fails to work properly

Hello! I've been exploring Ignition Gazebo throw the examples and noticed that there are problems with examples with collada models. Either collada model visual is missing (like in camera_sensor.sdf ...
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How do you use ignition gazebo?

Trying to use ignition Gazebo with the following command ign gazebo world.sdf but it doesn't load and I don't get any feedback Looking at the help it doesn't ...
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