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How the motor commands are obtained from gcodes?

I have started my research with scara and cartesian robots for drawing robot. The gcodes are converted and given to robot. There are firmware like grbl, marlin, etc for this process. But I couldn't ...
Rakesh003's user avatar
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CNC stepper motors are loud and slow after decreasing the steps/mm from 250 to 5

I'm making a drawing robot and have hooked up my steppers to each axis. I'm using the grbl shield with arduino and nema 17 steppers. Initially the firmware was set at 250 steps/mm but with my setup ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Current-limiting stepper motors for RepRap

I have been working on a robot project for a while. Now I am tired of finding parts that just does the job, so it is time to do create parts. A 3D printer will do the trick for many parts, but 3D ...
frodeborli's user avatar
9 votes
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How to tell a stepper motor's position, or detect slippage

I am creating a CNC machine on a budget, using old motors out of printers/scanners/etc. I am limited to about 650mA for the whole system, so my fear is that when the cutting bit touches the material,...
Anonymous Penguin's user avatar