Hello there,
I have successfully integrated real robots with moveIt. I can move at my given path with the plan & execute
button, but if I press the Plan
button and then it executes that plan. After, when I press the Execute
button I am obtaining this error, and my robot doesn't move.
Guys any idea where I am doing a mistake?
[ERROR] [1617204711.965383782]:
Invalid Trajectory: start point deviates from current robot state more than 0.01 joint 'joint_a2': expected: -1.5708, current: -1.47654
I have checked the things which you maintained but then also I am not able to fix the solution.
When I am doing the plan and execute the first time it is working fine and from the second time I am getting Failed error. I am attaching a screenshot below.
When I am pressing the plan & execute button I am getting the execution successful!
Thanks for helping!
Originally posted by Ranjit Kathiriya on ROS Answers with karma: 1622 on 2021-03-31
Post score: 1