Hello! I'm interested in running the Neural Compute Stick 2 with ROS, in Python. The first Neural Compute Stick used the NCSDK which provided Python 2.7 support. OpenVINO doesn't seem to have any plans for Python 2.7 support (requirements). I'm not particularly skillful with C code, so I'm curious if anyone else has gotten OpenVINO to work with ROS1+Python.
What are my options here? As I'm running a simulation in Unity and communicating over a ros websocket (like the LG Simulator), would roslibpy be a good option? I think that could be installed with python3 to connect over the rosbridge/websocket.
Note: Confusingly it seems like there might be some 2.7 support per here
Originally posted by rukie on ROS Answers with karma: 71 on 2019-04-24
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by allenh1 on 2019-04-25:
@rukie Depending on what ros distro you are using (and also which packages you are using), you can potentially use Python3 in your setup with ROS 1 and not run into too much trouble. You could also try ROS 2, which requires Python 3.
Comment by rukie on 2019-04-25:
@allenh1 I'm using ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04. Which ROS version would have the best Python3 support? I assume Melodic?
I previously stuck with Kinetic because it appears to have best support for online tutorials (and it seems like Indigo is in all the books). Though I'm getting to a point that I'm not so reliant on existing packages and tutorials.
Comment by rukie on 2019-04-25:
I'll say this doesn't look particularly fun.
Comment by gvdhoorn on 2019-04-25:
@rukie: the blog documents 3 steps, 1 of which is optional (the rostest
one) and gives the exact commands.
Comment by rukie on 2019-04-25:
And I assume all of these apt packages should be ignored?
python3-catkin-pkg python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-dateutil python3-docutils python3-pygments python3-pyparsing python3-roman python3-rosdep python3-rosdistro python3-rosdistro-modules python3-rospkg python3-rospkg-modules
Comment by allenh1 on 2019-04-25:
I'm not sure what you mean by "ignored" here... If you mean "not installed" then no, you probably need them.
Comment by rukie on 2019-04-25:
If I try to install a python3-catkin-pkg it wants to uninstall all of ros-melodic. I don't understand how those packages might play into a ROS and Python3 environment.