I've been trying to get ROS Hydro to run on Arch Linux, which uses Python 3 by default, and pacman for package management.
I've fixed a few Python 2/3 issues with rosdep, rospkg, etc, which I installed via pip. I've reached the step of running rosdep for the catkin workspace. My command is:
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y
This gives me a bunch of errors like:
rqt_publisher: No definition of [python-rospkg] for OS [arch] rqt_top: No definition of [python-psutil] for OS [arch] pcl_ros: No definition of [libpcl-all] for OS [arch] rosclean: No definition of [python-rospkg] for OS [arch] smach_ros: No definition of [python-rosdep] for OS [arch] ...
Looking at the arch dependencies, there doesn't appear to be some packages defined for Arch: github.com/ros/rosdistro/blob/master/rosdep/python.yaml
Since I didn't install using pacman (which is set up as the Arch package manager), what's the best way to tell rosdep that I've satisfied dependencies with pip?
Originally posted by spease on ROS Answers with karma: 46 on 2013-12-10
Post score: 1