I had installed Autoware last week but I had to rebuild to test new nodes and I had some troubles with the grub package. So I tried updating grub and then Autoware did not work. I tried to remove the grub package to reinstall the previous version but then I deleted some necessary data from the Autoware folder. As I am working under a proxy I cant use git commands to check what is missing so I am installing again as it seems to be the easiest way to have it working again. The thing is that I dont know if I didnt installed grub package correctly or that there is a new version that causes a crash, but now the installation is not working. An error occurs when opening points2polygon.cpp.
Required information:
• Operating system and version:
o Ubuntu 16.04
• Autoware installation type:
o Installing from source. Master branch as of today.
• Autoware version:
o Master branch as of today. I am still using catkin as colcon needs some dependecies from pip command and I cant make it work with the proxy
• ROS distribution and version:
o ROS Kinetic
• ROS Installation type
o Build from source
Description of the bug
Here I attach the log of the error as it appears, the percentage sometimes changes but the error is always the same.
CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/nodes/points2polygon/points2polygon.cpp.o: (.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcl6search17OrganizedNeighborINS_8PointXYZEEE[_ZTVN3pcl6search17OrganizedNeighborINS_8PointXYZEEE]+0x20): undefined reference to pcl::search::Searchpcl::PointXYZ::getNameabi:cxx11 const’
CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/nodes/points2polygon/points2polygon.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcl6search6SearchINS_8PointXYZEEE[_ZTVN3pcl6search6SearchINS_8PointXYZEEE]+0x20): undefined reference to `pcl::search::Searchpcl::PointXYZ::getNameabi:cxx11 const’
CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/nodes/points2polygon/points2polygon.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcl6search17OrganizedNeighborINS_11PointNormalEEE[_ZTVN3pcl6search17OrganizedNeighborINS_11PointNormalEEE]+0x20): undefined reference to `pcl::search::Searchpcl::PointNormal::getNameabi:cxx11 const’
CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/nodes/points2polygon/points2polygon.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN3pcl6search6SearchINS_11PointNormalEEE[_ZTVN3pcl6search6SearchINS_11PointNormalEEE]+0x20): undefined reference to `pcl::search::Searchpcl::PointNormal::getNameabi:cxx11 const’
In file included from /home/ctrl2/Downloads/autoware/ros/src/computing/perception/detection/fusion_tools/packages/pixel_cloud_fusion/src/pixel_cloud_fusion.cpp:24: /home/ctrl2/Downloads/autoware/ros/src/computing/perception/detection/fusion_tools/packages/pixel_cloud_fusion/include/pixel_cloud_fusion/pixel_cloud_fusion.h:99:59: warning: private field ‘cloud_synchronizer_’ is not used [-Wunused-private-field] message_filters::Synchronizer *cloud_synchronizer_; clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
sensing/polygon/packages/points2polygon/CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/build.make:392: recipe for target ‘/home/ctrl2/Downloads/autoware/ros/devel/lib/points2polygon/points2polygon’ failed make[2]: * [/home/ctrl2/Downloads/autoware/ros/devel/lib/points2polygon/points2polygon] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:19221: recipe for target ‘sensing/polygon/packages/points2polygon/CMakeFiles/points2polygon.dir/all’
Is it possible that when removing and installing grub I may delete some files needed in one of the dependecies as CUDA or something? I am totally lost of what is not working.
Originally posted by RalLpezMartn on ROS Answers with karma: 18 on 2019-04-10
Post score: 0