I'm using ROS Kinetic. I'd like to have multiple instances of a dynamic_reconfigure server in a node, and I'm wondering how to achieve that. I have different robots that I define in YAML files with a specific number of motors for each robot. I have a dynamic_reconfigure config file in my package that allows me to set min, max, offset and enable parameters for a motor.
But I need to be able to tune those parameters for each motor defined in the YAML file, and that is unknown at compile time. I can't dynamically allocate some array of server because at runtime I don't have the callbacks created.
A way, which I don't really like, could be to add a string or int field to the parameters, and type the motor name or index to apply the values to that specific motor in the code. There could be a bool parameter also to apply the new values in the client node when set to true.
Another way could be to create a nodelet class of a motor with its own dynamic reconfigure server and callback, and have a vector of them in the main node, and push back as many as needed.
The other way could be to use services instead, but then I couldn't use the rqt_reconfigure gui.
Is there a good practice for doing this kind of thing ?
Originally posted by Cyril Jourdan on ROS Answers with karma: 157 on 2018-04-18
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by lucasw on 2018-04-18:
Passing extra arguments to callbacks: #q63991 (also a complete non-class example #q289061)
Comment by Cyril Jourdan on 2018-04-19:
Thanks! I see that working for topics, but will it work for dynamic_reconfigure, will rqt_reconfigure show me a list of motors with their parameters using that design ? I'll give it a try.
Comment by Cyril Jourdan on 2018-04-19:
Thanks for your hint lucasw, I've published an answer in my question.
Comment by mgruhler on 2018-04-19:
@Cyril_J great you got it working. You can post your solution as an answer and accept that as correct. This will help other users stumbling upon the same problem...