I have an rplidar and i want to launch it during the booting. I followed a rosanswer here and was able to launch roscore during the bootup. But I am unable to launch rplidar.
Description=start roscore
*******************rosCoreService.sh **********
#!/usr/bin/env bash
bash -c "source /home/bc/.bashrc && roslaunch rplidar view_rplidar.launch"
I tried ./rosCoreService.sh directly and its working fine. In order to have port permissions I added KERNEL="ttyUSB0", GROUP:"bc", MODE = "0666" in /etc/udev/rules.d/50-usb-serial.rules
Since i need some port permission is "After=network.target" is correct ? or any suggestions ? I replaced "roslaunch rplidar view_rplidar.launch" with "roscore" and roscore is launching while bootup.
Originally posted by BhanuKiran.Chaluvadi on ROS Answers with karma: 241 on 2018-04-13
Post score: 0