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Hello every one

I am working on a project that needs a camera with a depth sensor and I am wondering which one of these tow cameras will be better for me to use the xbox 360 kinetic or the astra pro

and which one is more supported in ROS or there is no difference ?

Originally posted by ShehabAldeen on ROS Answers with karma: 97 on 2017-09-05

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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They are both fully supported with drivers readily available. For the Orbbec Astra drivers, see this package. For the Kinect 360 see this package. The better camera is simply the one with the better performance characteristics that suit your application. This includes the depth image size, depth range, field of view etc. I'm not sure what an Astra costs, but 360 Kinects can be picked up very cheap second hand.

Originally posted by ufr3c_tjc with karma: 885 on 2017-09-05

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1


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