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HI there,

I'm trying to use the Morse simulation but find some problems while run the tutorial"examples/tutorials/tutorial-1-ros.py". The error is as follow:

[helpers.loading] Module not found: No module named 'morse.middleware.ros_request_manager'
[helpers.loading] Could not load the class RosRequestManager in morse.middleware.ros_request_manager
[helpers.loading] Could not create an instance of morse.middleware.ros_request_manager.RosRequestManager
[core.services] Request Manager morse.middleware.ros_request_manager.RosRequestManager not found. Check for typos in the configuration file!

I've already installed the python3.4 and other elements which tutorials indicates. link text

And also refered the answer: link text But still cannot solve the problem.

Any ideas of this problem?

Originally posted by jiangqueque on ROS Answers with karma: 1 on 2016-12-28

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2016-12-28:
This would really seem to be a problem with Morse and one of its plugins, would you agree? I would suggest you ask this question on a Morse support forum, as you stand a much better chance of getting (good) answers.


1 Answer 1


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Hello! Can you tell us:

  • What version of Ubuntu & ROS are you using?
  • How you have installed MORSE?

...since quite a while, MORSE supports ROS 'out of the box', and does not require any particular ROS configuration steps.

Originally posted by severin with karma: 240 on 2016-12-28

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by jiangqueque on 2017-01-05:
Ubuntu 14.04 Ros 1.11.19 I've already installed MORSE, and launched a simple simulation by using command:

$ morse create mysim
$ morse run mysim

I want to develop a vehicle dynamic model by MORSE on ROS, so I need to use ROS modules. Does MORSE support my Ubuntu & ROS version?


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