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I'm trying to find machines that publish a certain type of message. Therefore I'm inspecting the list of rosnodes rosnode.rosnode_listnodes() and would like to get the IP address of the corresponding machines running a specific node.

There is a method rosnode.lookup_uri(...), but I have no idea how to use it. I also looked into the rospy, rosgraph, names and network modules - so far without success. Among other information,rosnode.rosnode_info(node_name) prints the URI. But it might be a rather expensive method and, unfortunately, it returns None.

Originally posted by Falko on ROS Answers with karma: 268 on 2016-11-04

Post score: 0


1 Answer 1


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>>> import rosgraph
>>> master = rosgraph.Master('/mynode')
>>> master.lookupNode("node_name')

This worked for me, but not sure if it's safe to deal with ros master directly this way.

Originally posted by huanxiner with karma: 271 on 2016-11-04

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 1

Original comments

Comment by gvdhoorn on 2016-11-05:
Alternatively, you could use the Master API directly.

Comment by Falko on 2016-11-07:
Great, thanks! Apparently, you can even get the master via rosgraph.Master(''). It's definitely the answer I was looking for. :)


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