hi, I currently can't find any API documents about ros messages like std_msgs, mavros_msgs...ect, including all member functions, class definitions or structures. It suppose be there, but I can't google it anymore.
Is that because server problem or it will not be access any more.
Originally posted by crazymumu on ROS Answers with karma: 214 on 2016-05-16
Post score: 0
Original comments
Comment by ahendrix on 2016-05-16:
I'm not having any trouble with the documentation at http://wiki.ros.org/std_msgs .Presumably you have a link to documentation that doesn't exist any more; perhaps if you provide a link to that documentation we can help figure out where it went.
Comment by crazymumu on 2016-05-17:
Hi @ahendrix, what I mean is not the link you provided. The documentation here:https://mirror.umd.edu/roswiki/doc/diamondback/api/std_msgs/html/namespacestd__msgs.html, I can jut find in mirror.