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What I'm trying to do is getting the UR5 talking to ROS, i experience a problem with executing the node test_move.py after bringing up the UR5 and had no trouble with that using this command

roslaunch ur_bringup ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip:= [reverse_port:=50001] and also got a message saying " Robot connected"

But trying to run the node test_move.py in a different window , it only showes "waiting for server..." and it never execute it.

I'm using Indigo and firmware version 1.8. Any idea on how can i fix this problem?

Thank you very much in advance

Originally posted by Baker Salama on ROS Answers with karma: 16 on 2016-03-17

Post score: 0

Original comments

Comment by maxgitt on 2017-08-04:
How do I know which firmware version I am using? I am trying to figure out if the modern driver is right for me


1 Answer 1


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I have solved this problem by downloading the package ur_modern_driver from https://github.com/ThomasTimm/ur_modern_driver instead of the package from Universal Robots (ur_driver)

Originally posted by Baker Salama with karma: 16 on 2016-03-24

This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site

Post score: 0


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