Address should just be your IP address, no need for the username.
Originally posted by alee with karma: 194 on 2016-03-15
This answer was ACCEPTED on the original site
Post score: 1
Original comments
Comment by pgigioli on 2016-03-15:
I get the error:
remote[]: failed to launch on comp: is not in your SSH known_hosts file.
Please manually: ssh [email protected]
then try roslaunching again.
Comment by alee on 2016-03-15:
Do as the error message says. After you ssh in the first time, it'll get added to your .ssh/known_hosts file. You can also manually add it yourself.
Comment by pgigioli on 2016-03-15:
I ssh'ed into [email protected] then exited and relaunched and got the same error. I have ssh'ed into my remote computer before. How do I manually add the IP to the known hosts file? "nano ~/.ssh/known_hosts" shows two illegible lines.
Comment by pgigioli on 2016-03-15:
Okay, I successfully added the address to my known_hosts file but now I get the error "error launching on [, uri http://comp:57183/]: Name or service not known" for the node that I am trying to run through the ssh.
Comment by alee on 2016-03-15:
Hm. That doesn't seem right. It should look like ["username"-0, uri http://"ip":11311/]. Are you sure you put everything in the right order?
Comment by pgigioli on 2016-03-15:
Ah, I was trying to launch a launch file as a node instead of as an include. However, now I am getting the problem that I can't launch a launch file from a remote computer. The include argument only looks for files locally. Is there anyway to include a file from a remote computer?
Comment by alee on 2016-03-15:
I don't think so. However, you can launch nodes on a remote computer so you can launch a file locally that launches remote nodes. An example would be here:
Comment by pgigioli on 2016-03-15:
I tried to create a similar workaround by writing a .py node on the remote computer that will execute the desired file. Then I try to launch that .py node from the launch file using the declaration include the machine tag but I get the "Name or service not known" error